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Confronting Violence Against Women: Engering kerala's Development Experience 25.0%OFF

Confronting Violence Against Women: Engering kerala's Development Experience

by K. N. Nair Vineetha Menon

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    Daanish Books

  • Subject


    Science: General Issues

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    This volume while appreciating some of the advances Kerala has made, critiques Kerala's development experience from a feminist perspective. It brings together papers written by women who have gained enormous practical experience regarding atrocities against women by engaging with them in various capacities, as activists or professional or from their subjective experience, and have the advantage of access to information that are not open to 'outsiders.'How social institutions the family, the police, the judiciary, the court system, the family court, the women's commission, the political parties, the Panchayat all institution that have the potential of being supportive to women are in fact, unsupportive, ineffective and even hostile to women victims of violence are highlighted through the various papers. They reveal the subjective and micro-level realities of women's experiences of a social system that is deemed woman-friendly. The way forward as it emerges from Kerala's local-level realities also forms the subject of discussion in the volume. About Author : Vineetha Menon, Ph.D. in Anthropology (York University, Canada), is Reader and Head, Department of Anthropology, Kannur University, Kerala. She was a Visiting Fellow with the Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram from August 2001 to December 2004. Her publications include, Alleviating Poverty: Case Studies of Local-Level Linkages and Processes in the Developing World (edited jointly with P.R.G. Nair and K.N. Nair). Her research interests are in the areas of development,gender studies marginalised communities, and civil society movements.K.N. Nair, Ph.D. from University of Kerala, is at present Director and Professor at the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram. Nair has published nine books and 60 papers in professional journals. His recent publications include, Cleaning Up Kerala: Studies in Self-help in dealing with Solid Waste (with R. Sridhar), Housing in Kerala: Impact of Investment, Technology and Institutions (edited with Prof. G. Gopikuttan) and Social Change in Kerala: Insights from Micro-Level Studies (edited with Vineetha Menon). His Current research interests include, globalisation and development, poverty and vulnerability and decentralisation. Contents : ContentsPrefaceIntroduction: Atrocities against Women in Kerala: Profiles and Prognoses Vineetha Menon and K.N. Nair1. Domestic Violence against Women in Kerala2. Issues of Domestic Violence in Kerala: An Analysis of Cases registered with Anweshi Women's Counselling Centre, Kozhikode 3. Rape Victims in Kerala4. Education, Employment and job Preference of Women in Kerala: A Micro-Level Study5. Accessibility of Police Services to Women Victims in the Criminal Justice System6. Dalit Women's Socio-economic Status: A Study7. Withering Valli: Alienation, Degradation and Enslavement of Tribal Women in Attappady8. Counselling in Family Court: An Analysis of Psycho-social Dynamics of Families of Litigants9. Gender Relations and Sexuality in the Urban Family in Kara: Developing an Intra- family Perspective10. Dowry-related Violence in Kerala: Case study Analysis from a Police Station Area11. Suicides or Murders: Case Study Explorations12. Women in Local BodiesAbout the ContributorsIndex

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