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Baby Signs (Positive parenting) 4.0%OFF

Baby Signs (Positive parenting)

by Linda Acredolo

  • ISBN



  • Publisher


    Vintage/Ebury (a Division of Random

  • Subject


    Family & Health

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  • Description

    The bestselling parenting guide featured on "Oprah" and "Dateline" is revised and updated with new signsFor every parent or caregiver who has struggled unsuccessfully to decode baby grunts and grabs, resulting in tearful frustration for both adult and child, there is "Baby Signs. "Based on 20 years of research, this one-of-a-kind classic shows you how to encourage your baby's use of nonverbal gestures to enhance communication. Simple hand movements signify objects, events, and needs, so your infant can enjoy interactions with you that otherwise would have been impossible until they could talk. New features of this revised edition include helpful tips on incorporating Baby Signs into the day care setting and more than 50 additional illustrated Baby Signs.

  • Author Biography

    Linda Acredolo, Ph.D., and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D., both psychology professors, conducted their pioneering scientific research on the language and cognitive benefits of Baby Signing for the National Institutes of Health. They have shared their award-winning findings through national media, including appearances on "Dateline" and "Oprah." Dr. Acredolo is at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Goodwyn teaches at California State University, Stanislaus. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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