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  • General

  • 1) What is LSNet.in ?

    LSNet.in is a virtual library and a one stop shop for all your books, movies and games needs that provides free door-to-door delivery and pickup for your comfort.
    You can become a member and then choose from over millions of titles. You can buy, share, and even auction your existing titles on LSNet.in Portal.
    Books are delivered to you and you can read at your own pace - without having to worry about library fines or renewal hassles.
    Our driving philosophy is Simplicity in reading. Worry only about which books you want to read!

    2) How do I become a member?

    You can become a member by subscribing to the LSlibrary membership.
    Membership plan gives you benefits of reading the latest bestsellers as well classics without worrying about costs.

    3) How long can I keep the book?

    Take your time in reading our books - we understand not everyone is a super reader. Build up the scenes, characters & plot to live the book! You can keep the book
    for 14 days period after that you can renew it.

    4) Can I cancel my membership?

    We'd hate to see you go. You can cancel your membership anytime you want. You'll have to return the books you currently hold and your security deposit will be
    subsequently refunded to you.

    5) Can I rejoin?

    You needn't ask! We are always fond of book lovers.

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  • Membership Rules
  • a. You can become a member by subscribing for LSLibrary services

    b. LSLibrary members can avail all LSNet.in services at discounted rates

    c. Security deposit amount Rs. 1000 will be charged for using LSLibrary services. This amount will be charged at the time of your first transaction.

    d. However, you just need to register yourself on LShopholic account to buy items from LShop.

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  • Billing
  • a. You can recharge LSNet.in Wallet online anytime for using LSNet.in services

    c. Items will be delivered at your doorstep

    d. Payments for items purchased via LSNet can be made by Credit/Debit card, Net banking and Wallet.

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  • Shipping
  • a. Items purchased or shared will be delivered to your address

    b. Shipping address can be different from billing address

    c. Free shipping will be available for all orders where total amount exceeds Rs. 200 otherwise Rs. 80 as shipping charges will be applicable.

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  • Return
  • a. Items shared have to be returned in time specified during requesting

    b. If renewal facility is available then item can be renewed for once

    c. On return date LSNet.in personnel will collect the item from your address

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  • Miscellaneous

  • Membership
  • 1. Registration Fees: Annual Subscription fees payable when you join the portal

    2. LSNet.in Wallet: Amount by which you can recharge your account for using the services and other transactions

    3. RFI Rates: Request for items. This is the amount payable for services you request on LSLibrary

    4. Auction Charges: Amount charged for auctioning your item. It will be 5% of the winning bid

    5. Lending Incentives: Reward points that you earn by sharing your items

    6. Delivery time: Time taken to deliver the item at your door step

    7. Complimentary RFI: Free services that will be provided as promotional activity

    8. Renewal Services: Whether you can renew the item or not.

  • My Library
  • 1. My Request: items that you have currently requested

    2. My Reservations: items reserved that will be delivered on availability

    3. My Lending: your items which you have shared with others

    4. My Current Readings: book that you are reading now

  • Dashboard
  • 1. My Library: Virtual shelf to maintain your collection of books, digital media and e-content. You can add, view, and delete items from this page.

    2. Request Status: shows status of current request of items and reservations made. You can change or cancel request status

    3. Order: Shows status of items that you have purchased or list of items that you wish to purchase

    4. Request & Reservation: Shows list of items which you have allowed for sharing, or items privately landed

    5. Points: Shows reward points earned through sharing of your items and other transaction on LShop

    6. Transaction log: shows history of transactions done on LSNet.in

    7. Auction & Bids: shows list of ongoing auctions, list of items put on auction by you and your current bid(s)

    8. My Profile: Edit and update your profile through this option

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