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Bougainvillea is a very important crop in floriculture for multipurpose use. It grows very well under the tropical and sub-tropical conditions. An appreciable quantum of work has been done in India on Bougainvillea covering different aspects like germplasm collection, improvement and breeding, induced mutagenesis, cytogenetics, disease management, tissue culture and dehydration of flowers. Attempt has been made to develop a complete and comprehensive documentation of the results of the research and demonstrations conducted by different Indian scientists, nurserymen and amateur bougainvillea lovers over the last more than 50 years. The primary objective of the book is to give a coherent and concise account of all work done in India on bougainvillea with an emphasis on recent developments. Different aspects like history, elemental species and varieties, source of origin, horto-taxonomical characters, nursery culture, techniques for development of new varieties, cytogenetics, classical and modern methods of characterization, post harvest management, in vitro propagation, dehydration etc. have been highlighted. The book will be very useful not only for researchers but also for horticulturists, nurserymen, amateur growers, enthusiasts, city and industry planners for planning future research strategies on bougainvillea research. The book will provide valuable data and also be a reference material for future research activities in this area.
Author Biography
S. K. Datta: Retd. Sci. 'G', Co-ordinator & Head, Floriculture CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow, Ex CSIR Emeritus Scientist, Bose Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal, India R. Jayanthi: specialized in Floriculture is presently working as Professor of Horticulture in the University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India T. Janakiram: Assistant Director General (Hort. Sci), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan II,PUSA, New Delhi- 110012, India.