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Change Management Masterclass: A step by step Guide to Successful Change Management

Change Management Masterclass: A step by step Guide to Successful Change Management

by Mike Green

  • ISBN



  • Publisher


    Kogan Page Limited

  • Subject


    Business & Management

  • Binding



  • Pages



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  • Description

    Given the explosive rate of change affecting all organizations, managers now more than ever need a reliable and rigorous guide to managing change better. Change Management Masterclass explains the whole process in accessible terms. It looks at why organizations need to change, the different ways change can be approached and what makes a process of change management successful. It analyses the process in a structured way to help you understand the concepts and deal with the challenges that arise. Key points are consistently reinforced with international case studies drawn from both the public and private sectors. Content includes: Types of change; Setting a formula for change; Mobilizing and motivating for change; Organization and implementation of change; Managing people through transition; Leadership tasks, roles and style; Embedding change; Best practice in managing change. Change Management Masterclass provides a model for change that will help you to make sense of change management and manage change better in the future. It will help you to improve your own performance, and that of your organization, by pinpointing where change can go wrong, highlighting best practice and getting change managers to see their roles in a new light. About The Author Mike Green, co-author of the top-selling book Making Sense of Change Management (also published by Kogan Page), has been involved in facilitating change for over twenty years. Working in both the public and private sectors, Mike runs his own consultancy specializing in individual, team and organizational development. Heis a Visiting Executive Fellow at Henley Management College. Table of Contents Introduction Part I Approaching Change Introduction Metaphors and paradigms Types of change Culture Personality Groupthink Summary Orientation Introduction The need for change Change formula Summary Part II Organizational Case Studies Introduction The organizations and their orientations Aster Group The Institute of Public Health in Ireland Biogen Idec The British Council County of Aarhus, Denmark The kitchenware company The primary school The financial services company Part III Organization Introduction The change kaleidoscope 7Ss framework Cultural web Tichy’s change levers Project management methodology Different approaches to change Case study analysis Summary Mobilization Introduction Motivation and mobilization The change equation Resistance to the idea of change Stakeholder interests Communication, engagement, mobilization Difference and the cultural dimension Case studyanalysis Summary Implementation Introduction Project management implementation Operationalizing the changes Case study analysis Summary Transition Introduction Individual change Teams through change Shadow side of organizations Case study analysis Summary Leading Change Introduction Characteristics of leadership The leadership task Leadership roles Leadership style Case study analysis Summary Integration Introduction Embedding change Learning The learning organization Case study analysis Summary Conclusion Managing change - best practice Lessons from the case studies Conclusion Bibliography and references Index

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