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Delivering the Goods: The Art of Managing Your Supply Chain 1st Edition 14.0%OFF

Delivering the Goods: The Art of Managing Your Supply Chain 1st Edition

by Damon Schechter

  • ISBN



  • Publisher


    John Wiley & Sons

  • Subject


    Business & Management

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  • Description

    We often think of great battles as having been won by superior strategy, bravery, or weaponry. Often, however, the greatest battles are decided by a much more mundane factor: logistics.Delivering the Goods looks at business logistics through the history of successful military logistical operations undertaken by leaders from Alexander the Great to General Norman Schwarzkopf, and offers practical guidance on applying proven logistical principles to your business.

  • Author Biography

    DAMON SCHECHTER is CEO of LOC Global, Inc., which helps corporations deal with the problems and challenges of moving goods from the factory to the marketplace to the consumer. Mr. Schechter was educated at Stanford University, from which he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and a Master of Science degree in engineering. His Web site is at www.locglobal.com.GORDON SANDER is a writer, editor, and historian. He is a frequent contributor to the Financial Times, as well as the BBC. His articles and essays have appeared in the New York Times, Rolling Stone, and many other publications. He is the author of Serling: The Rise and Twilight of Television's Last Angry Man, which was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Mr. Sander was educated at Cornell University and has been a writer-in-residence at Cornell and other universities.

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