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Indian States at a Glance 2008-09 : Performance, Facts and Figures - Tamil Nadu 22.0%OFF

Indian States at a Glance 2008-09 : Performance, Facts and Figures - Tamil Nadu

by Laveesh Bhandari

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    Business & Management

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  • Description

    Description Indian States at a Glance 2008-09: Performance, Facts and Figures presents information on the 29 states and 6 union territories of India in a set of 22 volumes. A compilation of the latest facts and figures, ranging from the basic socio-economic and demographic indicators to development parameters, these books also provide brief profiles of the states covering their history, culture, cuisine, handicrafts, places of tourist interest as well as an account of their performance vis--vis other states The southernmost state of India, Tamil Nadu is also one India's most advanced states, with high levels of industrialization, urbanization and social development. Witha per capita income of Rs 35,301, the state enjoys a relatively high standard of living. Economic growth has, in general, kept pace with the Indian national growth path, though the state was hit badly by recession in 2001-02. On social indicators, Tamil Nadu scores high; it has one of the highest literacy rates and the second highest proportion of children who have completed primary education. On the health front, this state has a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS, but there has been significant progress in arresting the spread of the disease.

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