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Indian Women Writers in English 13.0%OFF

Indian Women Writers in English

by S. K. Mohanty

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    Surendra Publications

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  • Description

    Indian writing in English, especially fiction, is gaining by leaps and bounds, yet Indian English literary scene bristles with amazing anomalies and curious contradictions. Some writers like Mulkraj Anand, R.K. Narayan, Raja Rao and other have given-excessive critical attention, while many others especially women writers have been neglected. The world body of literature in English would have been much pooere today but for the contribution of women writers. The new series Studies in Women Writers in English is a grateful acknowledgement of that contribution and public recognition of their voice. This book covers a wide spectrum of women writers across space and time. The women writes discusses in this book Kamala Das, Kamala Markandaya, Shashi Deshpande, Anita Desai, Arundhati Roy and Jhumpa Lahari along with extensive criticism. Since most of these authors are prescribed in the English syllabus in the universities of India, both the teachers and the students will find them extremely useful and the general readers who are interested in literature in English or women writers will also find the intellectually stimulating.About the AuthorDr. S.K. Mohanty a scholar of Ravenshaw College, Cuttack after completing his P.G and M.Phil pursued his Doctorate in literature in the Delhi University. He has done his research in Twentieth Century English Fiction. Presently he is serving as a senior Professor in the Deptt of English in Sambul Pur. Orissa. He has written four books on English Novel and Drama. His articles are regularly published in different literary journals in India and abroad.

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