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Mumbai (The City of Dreams) 9.0%OFF

Mumbai (The City of Dreams)

by M. D. David

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    Himalaya Publishing House

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  • Description

    "Mumbai: The City of Dreams" is a story of this city from prehistoric times to the present woven round events and persons that have helped to shape its character. This work is based on historical research over thirty-five years.

    The book tells how the British deliberately developed Mumbai as a centre of commerce and industry by inviting traders and artisans three hundred years ago to come and settle on the island by assuring them religious toleration and by providing them facilities to carry on their calling. Thus Mumbai began to grow as cosmopolitan city with various linguistic, cultural and religious groups living and working together in a common economic Endeavour.

    The book also tells about the most absorbing incidents like the quarrel over transfer of Mumbai, arrest of Rama Kamati, invasion of Mumbai, Delopment of Eliza Draper, brawls over brides, adventures of Flora Sassoon, Bawla murder case, witchcraft, hook, swinging, Kite`s flight, red light district, and the blasts that shook Mumbai. It tells about important historic places, landmarks, monuments and street names. It describes about Mumbai`s cultural life including its architecture, theatre, cinema, nautch parties, places of worship of all communication, colourful festivals and fairs.

    What really changed the fortunes of Mumbai, as the book explains, was the breaking up to the mountain barriers by the construction of road in 1830 and railways in 1860s across the Sahayadri that had stunted its growth by isolating Mumbai from the rest of the country. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, made Mumbai literally India`s window to the west. With the railways connecting Mumbai to different parts. The entire country, became its hinterland for import-export trade. As Mumbai emerged as India`s trade centre its prosperity surpassed that of other cities luring fortune seekers from all corners of the country to flock to it. Mumbai also became the mother of Indian textile industry and soon the Industrial hub of India.

    The book attributes the success of Mumbai to the farsighted entrepreneurship of men like Jamsetji Jeejeebhoy, Premchand Roychand, David Sassoon, Jamsetjee Tata, Nana Shankarshet and others and the efforts of excellent British planners, administrators and engineers. Mumbai literally lures people from almost all walks of life and from all regions of India. They all come share in the "Mumbai Dream".

  • Author Biography

    Dr. M.D. David, former Professor and Head, Department of History, University of Mumbai, obtained his Masters, Law and Doctoral degrees from Mumbai University after an impressive academic career. He was an Emeritus Fellow of the University Grants Commission and at present is an adjunct faculty of the University department of history. He has to his credit more than 26 books and 60 research articles. While reviewing his book History of Bombay, published by the University of Mumbai, The Times of India wrote: "It is a systematic study and so comprehensive in its treatment as to be encyclopedic". His book "Mumbai: The City of Dreams", translated and published in Marathi under the title "Aik Mumbai Tuzi Kahani", was considered a best seller.

  • TOC

    Book Content of Mumbai The City of Dreams 1. I Early Beginnings Mumbai: The Gift of Its Harbour 2. Genesis 3. Seven Islands Become One 4. When Muslims Rules Mahim 5. The Island of Good Life 6. Under The Shadow of the Cross II Under The East India Co. 7. Dowry For The King 8. From The King To The Company 9. Many Cultures But One GreatCity 10. The Colonial Legacy 11. Life And Times of The White Man 12. The Mutiny of 1683 13. Siddi`s Seige of Mumbai 14. Bleak Day`s For Mumbai 15. When Pirates Ruled The Mumbai Sea 16. From Riches To Rags 17. ST. Thomas Cathedral 18. Many Loves of Eliza 19. Under The Shadow of Shivaji 20. The Struggle For The Seas 21. Pearl Harbour-Like Attack 22. Fort Wall Around Mumbai 23. The City Within And Without The Fort Wall 24. The Changing Skyline of Mumbai 25. Herd of Waterlood in Mumbai III India`s Windows to the World 26. Mumbai Linked To The Deccan And The Western World 27. Asia`s First Train Starts In Mumbai 28. First Link With The Mainland 29. Across The Ghats IV Home to Many Communities 30. Many Communities 31. Fire Worshippers 32. Bene Israelis V Western Education 33. Pioneer of Western Education 34. Beginnings of Western Education 35. Evolution of Mumbai University VI Makes of Modern Mumbai 36. The City`s Intellectual Centre-Asiatic Society 37. Pioneer Ship-Builders 38. Opium Boom 39. Home of Textile Industry 40. David Sassoon And Sons 41. Sir Jamset Jee Jeejeebhoy 42. Nana Shankarsheth 43. M.G.Ranade 44. Maniben Kara 45. The Decade of Enterprise 46. The First Indian Doctors-Bhaudaji Lad And Rakhmabai 47. The Gold Rush 48. Wizard of the Share Market 49. Mumbai`s Merchant Emperor 50. Gokuldas Tejpal 51. The Bombay Steam Navigation Co. 52. Playing Cops And Robbers 53. The Great Rebellion Comes To Town VII Managing The City 54. Mumbai`s Expansion To The North 55. Managing The City 56. Municipal Government 57. The First Super Market 58. Man And The Sea 59. Trams And Transport 60. Mumbai`s Jailhouse 61. Housing The Millions 62. The Saga of Water 63. Mumbai`s Beautiful Landmark 64. Golden Age of Architecture 65. Gateway of India-A Far Pavilion 66. Mumbai`s Role In Freedom Struggle 67. Mumbai Press VIII Some Interesting Aspects 68. Walkeshwar Temple 69. Mumbai-The City of Many Gods 70. Kight, First To Fly In Mumbai Sky 71. Mumbai`s Festivals 72. Entertainment, Theatre And Cinema 73. Place Names In Mumbai 74. Blasts That Shook Mumbai 75. Sex, Scandal and Murder 76. How India`s Coins Jingled 77. Cricket 91 Years Ago 78. Some Bizarre Happenings 79. Red Light District IX City of Dreams 80. Commercial Capital of India 81. Independence And After 82. Dream City 83. Mumbai Today And Tomorrow Select Bibliography

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