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Obesity Assessment: Tools, Methods, Interpretations 19.0%OFF

Obesity Assessment: Tools, Methods, Interpretations

by T. St Jeor

  • ISBN



  • Publisher


    Jones & Bartlett Publishers

  • Subject


    Medical Study & Revision Guides & Reference Material

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  • Description

    Drawing on the expertise of well-known researchers in the field, this user-friendly reference examines the multiple and complex factors involved in the diagnosis and the treatment of obesity. This unique book provides a descriptive analysis of selected assessment tools, along with their methods of application and interpretation in healthy normal weight and obese adults. In particular, the text assesses individuals by age, gender, weight status, and the many interrelated variables that contribute to the developement and/or exacerbation of the obese state. Broad-based and practical, this standardized reference provides complete coverage of: A series of baseline assessment questionnaires, designed to assess activity, nutrition, health, demograghics, and weight How different weight measures may be useful and how they are affected by different methodological approaches the physiological and genetic aspects which are affected by body weight composition and distribution State-of-the-art measurements on energy balance and dietary intake Pschological assessment in obese versus normal weight individuals -personality and environmental factors(i.e. self esteem, life change events), stress and emotions, and the correlation between various lifestyle factors with genetic and/or environmental factors Obesity Assessment provides a one-of-a-kind reference guide which readers can use to base their own applications and interpretations when assessing different individuals or populations or conducting intervention programs. Among those readers who will find this refrence most useful are nutritionists, pschologists, physicians, researchers, dietians, clinicians, health educators, teachers, and students

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