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Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes: A Guide for Nurses and Other Health Professionals 14.0%OFF

Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes: A Guide for Nurses and Other Health Professionals

by Jill Rodgers

  • ISBN



  • Publisher


    John Wiley & Sons

  • Subject


    Medical Study & Revision Guides & Reference Material

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  • Year




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  • Description

    Insulin pump therapy is now a well-established option for treating diabetes. This method of insulin delivery offers the opportunity for people with diabetes to manage their diabetes confidently and competently to achieve good glycaemic control and a better quality of life. Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes covers all aspects of insulin pump therapy in a clear and informative style, and is an essential guide for all health professionals involved in caring for people with diabetes using insulin pumps.Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes explores issues such as the advantages and disadvantages of insulin pump therapy; the experiences of insulin pump users, how to set up an insulin pump service, how to set and adjust insulin doses and optimising glycaemic control.  It also includes chapters on insulin pumps in pregnancy, and in babies, toddlers and young children. 

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